About Smithsfield
Clinic, Athboy, Co. Meath

Services Available

Smithsfield Clinic is a frontline, private clinic offering a range of services related to the assessment and treatment of various learning, emotional, behavioural, mental health and other psychological difficulties. We also offer neuroaffirmative assessment, consultation, therapy and other support services for those with neurodevelopmental differences. In addition to offering individual therapy, consultation and assessment services, we also provide a range of group therapy options for children and adolescents. These include social skills therapy groups, coping with anxiety skills groups, building self esteem skills groups and social skills/self-awareness therapy groups.

In addition, the clinic provides a parenting course for parents of anxious children. Finally, Smithsfield Clinic also serves to provide behaviour support services so that our clinicians can work with parents to develop developmentally appropriate evidenced based behaviour support plans to help families to support their young people in working to their potentials in all settings, whilst also tackling any of the barriers that might be getting in the way of families navigating typical challenges that many families face.

The clinic also liaises with external psychologists and refer clients — where necessary — for other specialist professional services (e.g., Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Social Work, etc.).

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Our Location

Fosterfields, Athboy
Co. Meath, C15 A9P3

Get in Touch

For any enquiries, please contact us using the contact details on the page. Alternatively, you can fill out the contact form.

These are just some of the professional and academic organisations that our team are members of: